Grandma Lucy's Cat Food Ingredients
According to our research, Grandma Lucy's manufactures 2 cat food recipes using 37 unique ingredients. To evaluate the quality of ingredients used by Grandma Lucy's, we've studied all 37 ingredients. In this article, we'll share our findings on Grandma Lucy's ingredients.
Cat Food Recipes | 2 |
Unique Ingredients | 37 |
Artificial Colors | 0 |
Animal By-Products | 0 |
Anonymous Meats | 1 |
Controversial | 1 |
Harmful | 0 |
First 5 Ingredients
Cat food ingredients in the United States are listed in descending order of pre-cooked weight. The first 5 ingredients typically constitute a significant portion of the recipe.
For Grandma Lucy's, these are the most common ingredients found within the first 5 cat food ingredients.
- chicken
- turkey liver
- turkey gizzard
- flax
- squash
As you can see, the most common first ingredient in Grandma Lucy's is chicken. The most common 2nd ingredient is turkey liver, followed by turkey gizzard, flax, and squash.
Artificial Food Coloring Dyes
Grandma Lucy's does not use any artificial food coloring dyes. According to our records, none of the 2 Grandma Lucy's cat foods contain artificial food dyes.
Artificial food coloring dyes are unnecessary and potentially harmful ingredients. In general, we not not recommend feeding any pet foods that contain artificial dyes.
In 2010, the CSPI raised serious concerns regarding the safety of many artificial dyes. Most of the studies referenced by the CSPI involved prolonged or excessive consumption. Since most cats consume the same foods throughout their lives, concerns raised by the CSPI are alarming to say the least.
To read more about Artificial Food Dyes, click here.
Animal By-Products
According to our records, Grandma Lucy's does not contain any animal by-products.
Animal by-products are basically the leftover parts of the the carcass after its been processed for meat. AAFCO defines by-products as the non-rendered, clean parts, other than meat, derived from slaughtered mammals.
Although by-products are still fairly nutritious ingredients, consumers have equated them with slaughterhouse waste. Therefore, most premium brands, including Grandma Lucy's have decided to remove by-products and instead use named organ meats (beef liver, chicken gizzards).
For further reading on the controversy over animal by-products, click here.
Anonymous Meat Ingredients
Anonymous meats are animal-based ingredients which do not provide the source animal's name. These ingredients are controversial because they can come from almost any animal.
In addition, anonymous animal-based ingredients are very inexpensive and often the lowest quality meats that are still allowed to be used in pet food.
In general, we do not recommend feeding any products which contain anonymous meats. When in doubt, always contact the brand's customer service desk for further clarification.
Unfortunately, we've identified 1 anonymous meat ingredient used by Grandma Lucy's.
Fish is typically an excellent protein and fat source. However, the specific type of fish is not mentioned and therefore we cannot discuss any specific qualities of this ingredient. In general, anonymous ingredients are low quality inclusions when compared to ingredients such as mackerel, cod, salmon, etc.
The following recipes contain fish:
Cereal Grains
For cats, we typically recommend choosing a grain-free recipe. Cats are obligate carnivores and therefore grains are not species appropriate.
According to our data, Grandma Lucy's cat food recipes do not contain grains. In other words, all recipes are grain-free.
Please note, kibble production requires a binding agent. Grains are commonly used for this purpose in cat food. When purchasing grain-free cat food, grains are often replaced with another starchy source. This is also not ideal.
To avoid grains and other starchy additions, consider feeding wet or frozen recipes.
Controversial Ingredients
In most cases, ingredients which are given the controversial classification can be substituted with higher-quality alternatives. You should evaluate each controversial ingredient independently to see if there is truly a valid cause for concern.
Keep in mind, certain sacrifices often must be made to produce cat foods at a reasonable price. In general, the more expensive the product, the fewer controversial ingredients you'll find.
In our analysis, we've identified 1 controversial ingredient inside Grandma Lucy's products. These controversial ingredients are listed below. Click on each ingredient for more information.
Garlic in very small quantities can be an acceptable addition, however, garlic can also be toxic. Therefore many pet owners choose to completely avoid garlic.
The following recipes contain garlic:
Potentially Harmful Ingredients
Harmful ingredients are those which have been linked to adverse health effects. In general, we do not recommend feeding any product which contains any harmful ingredients.
During our review, none of the Grandma Lucy's ingredients analyzed were classified as harmful by our system. The absence of harmful ingredients is indicative of a relatively premium cat food brand.
Grandma Lucy's Cat Food Ingredient Lists

Grandma Lucy's
Chicken & Fish Recipe
Grandma Lucy's
Artisan Chicken & Fish Recipe
First Five Ingredients

Grandma Lucy's
Turkey Recipe
Grandma Lucy's
Moxie Turkey Recipe
First Five Ingredients
turkeyturkey liver
turkey gizzard
sunflower seed