Puppy behavior, Free Puppy Training Tips, How to Train a Puppy

In this section learn about puppy behavior and the best free puppy and dog training tools, methods, techniques, tips & devices to cure puppy and dog behavioral problems between 12 – 15 weeks of age.
At this stage your relationship with your puppy should have developed from that of a mother child relationship into that of mutual companionship.
You should expect normal growing pains associated with a puppy that is becoming sexually mature.
This is the point where puppy behavior can be fine tuned with more advanced puppy obedience training – so that you can get the perfect adult dog!
Puppy Behavior – 20-24 weeks
Your puppy will be energetic and will be confident and bold at this age.
You should still supervise your puppy closely and iron out any persistent behavioral problems.
Walking him/her should now be less of a chore and more of a fun experience.
A new confidence emerges.
Your puppy will now have grown into a stronger, bigger and more confident animal.
If you have failed to properly train your puppy – then you should expect bad behavior – and this could result in an injury to you or your family if you have a large breed.
Your puppy may start to indulge in rough play biting, barging or jumping up as he tries to display his dominance – take a look at our section on puppy behavior training 12-15 weeks for specific advice on this problem.
Puppy Puberty.
If you own a small breed your puppy will be going through the normal hormonal changes associated with adolescence, consequently his behavior may start to change as he exhibits aggression and scent marking and if you own a female she may have mood swings and seem indifferent to you and her environment.
It is not uncommon for female puppy’s to take a step back in house training especially when they are in season so expect some urinating and pooping indoors after a long period of perfect puppy behavior.
Puppy Behavior – 20-24 weeks
What your puppy may start doing.
As your he becomes sexually mature a male puppy may start to show quite unruly behavior such as lifting his leg and scent marking, he may even show some aggression when outdoors with other male dogs.
It is also quite common for your puppy to develop selective hearing when out for a walk and suddenly become deaf to your commands.
When females are going through estrus they may seen insecure, erratic, subdued and may even show aggression.
Puppy behavior that you need to challenge.
As your puppy is now getting bigger he will become boisterous and may start throwing his weight around including trying to overpower you if you haven’t succeeded in confirming your place as the pack leader, confrontation may even lead to bites and nips.
Aggressive behavior towards his dog food also known as dog food aggression may develop and he may start jumping on the furniture and destroy household items.
Due to the hormonal changes and mood swings – this negative influence may effect your puppy’s concentration and renewed house soiling may occur.
How to conquer these problems.
- Learn to understand the signs of sexual maturity as this will help with your knowledge and also make training your puppy easier.
- Keep an eye on your puppy’s aggression and interest in female puppies-you don’t want a pregnancy at this stage.
- Continue to confirm your place as the pack leader – do this by eating first, going through the door first and never allowing puppy aggression to take root.
- You need to start exercising your puppy even more as he develops into full size – he may be bigger but he isn’t mature.
- I really rate puppy training classes as they are an excellent way to seek specialized training advice – they also enable you to meet and talk to other owners who may have similar training problems. Puppy training classes are also an excellent way to help stimulate your puppy.
- Learn to be adaptable and change your training program to suit your puppy if particular issues arise.
Puppy Behavior-health tips.
- By now the last of the monthly worming should be due – but you will need to continue the treatment every three months.
- Check that he doesn’t need to be deflead but this depends on the product and when you last did it.
- Grooming and checking your puppy’s health with the Vet should be a regular occurrence.
- Puppy Teething – Adult teeth will now be nearly through so start a strict dental regime to keep them clean-use brushes and/or dental chews.
- Check with your Vet or dog groomer that his ear canals are clean as they may need some plucking.
- Look out for really interesting puppy toys that will really help to stimulate your puppy.We keep a big box of toys so that when my sister comes around her Yorkie Louis can go into the box and choose his favorite toy.Make sure that the toys are all British standard and have been properly safety tested. Don’t let him play with any toys that maybe a choke hazard.
- Neutering should be discussed with your Vet – weigh up the pros and cons – this is normally carried out when your puppy reaches full size bit it is worth talking through with a professional.
Puppy behavior-20-24 weeks old.
What may happen.
1. Your puppy may start to over power you.
2. Start becoming destructive.
3. Start showing the signs that he or she is becoming sexually mature.
4. He may develop a new and increased thirst for playing, training and knowledge.
What you should do.
1. Learn to cope and deal with the signs and symptoms of sexual maturity.
2. Enroll your puppy in advanced puppy training classes.
3. Start exercising your puppy more.
4. Discuss behavior problems with puppy behavior experts.