Puppy Training Tips, Potty Training a Puppy, House Training a Puppy

In this section we will teach you some basic and more advanced puppy training tips through obedience training including lots of puppy housebreaking techniques, some free tips on crate training a puppy, leash training, behavior, and some of the basics behind house training and potty training a puppy.
Learning some training techniques is a great way to start your new life with your puppy – and it is important to remember that although owning a puppy is a fantastic and rewarding experience you should aim to get through the ‘cute new puppy phase’ and start puppy obedience training early.
Due to the fact that understanding puppy behavior and how training your puppy is so important we have dedicated a large section and included lots of puppy training tips specifically focused on the different stages of your puppy’s development. We have included:
We will also focus on the importance of puppy games and how playing with your puppy will strengthen your bond and relationship
Puppy Behavior
Just as baby’s go through the terrible two’s and then develop into wobbly toddlers – and as they grow older they turn into teenagers and puberty their behavior may vary from good to bad or angry to happy – it is useful to remember that it is no different for your puppy and your puppy’s behavior will also change as they develop into adulthood
Your puppy will go through many adorable stages as he develops into adulthood and you should relish every moment. However, you need to be mindful that if you allow bad behavior at this early stage in the puppy obedience training process it may develop into behavior problems as your dog gets older – so learn the training tips at your own leisure and don’t rush.
Puppy Training Tips – growing pains.
Lets face it you are going to have fantastic fun with your puppy but you are also going to face some tricky moments – it might be problems such as puppy toileting issues, socialization problems, whining or yapping – but just remember when you are cleaning up that poop and your beloved puppy’s behavior is really trying your patience – you chose him and it’s you that needs to be patient, so work with your puppy not against him – be consistent with your training commands, just because you are learning lots of new puppy training tips and techniques, don’t use them all at once.
Puppy Training Tips – body language
Puppy’s may not understand human language but they do understand verbal commands especially when they are used in conjunction with a physical gesture – your puppy will also use physical gestures to let you know what he wants such as pawing at the door to go out or jumping up when he is hungry.
- It’s important that you watch your puppy and learn how he reacts to different commands so that you are able to tailor a specific training regime for your puppy – learn to understand your puppy’s body language.
Your puppy’s stance, posture and body language will vary dramatically with the different emotions he may be feeling.
- The play bow when your puppy has a stretched back, bent legs and tail in the air is a sign that he is ready to play – so watch out!
- If your puppy is is an upright posture with stiff legs and fur standing up on his neck and back – this is an indication of possible fear, aggression or dominance.
- If your puppy is lying down on his side with legs stretched out – this is quite obvious that he is feeling relaxed enough to lie in a very vulnerable position.
- If your puppy is lying down with his legs in the air – this is very submissive behavior – so go on rub his tummy!
Puppy Training Tips – how he learns
A puppy is naturally a pack animal and it’s early behavior is learned through mimicking and playing with other animals normally from within the litter.
Their is a certain hierarchy in a pack environment and your puppy will look to you for guidance as the leader. You need to understand the importance of being the dominant leader in your relationship without any need for physical punishment.
Play is important – but remain ‘Top Dog’ & Alpha Male
If you have watched puppy’s playing there will normally be a puppy on top with one on the bottom in a submissive position – the one on top is displaying his dominance.
When you play with your puppy it is very important that you remain top dog. If you are playing ‘pull’ with your puppy it is very important that you always win the toy. This is displaying your dominance and that you are in charge.