Nulo Pet Food Recall History

Has Nulo Ever Been Recalled?

To date, Nulo has never been recalled. Although Nulo has not been recalled, Nulo is less than a decade old (founded in 2009).

List of Nulo Recalls

No recalls reported.

Where Is Nulo Pet Food Made?

Nulo is made in the United States within facilities located in Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

The Nulo website does not provide any detailed information regarding the facilities which produce their dog food or cat food products. Unfortunately, this lack of transparency leaves many questions unanswered.

For example, we do not know if Nulo owns its own manufacturing facility. We also do not know which other brands of pet food are manufactured in the same facility as Nulo.

These details are important because they show us who is involved in the manufacturing process. If we knew this information, we could properly research the manufacturing facility and evaluate the facility's record.

Is Nulo Pet Food Safe?

Nulo is a relatively new (and small) brand of pet food. The company was founded in 2009 by Michael Landa and Brett Montana. Since inception, the company has quickly grown into a major player in the premium dog and cat food industry.

Looking at the clean recall history (no recalls whatsoever), we do not have any reason to question the safety of Nulo.

However, consumers should keep in mind that Nulo is less than a decade old. Plus, Nulo does not provide any detailed information regarding who is producing Nulo pet foods.

Many smaller companies like Nulo choose to outsource manufacturing. By outsourcing the manufacturing process, they can focus on marketing and expansion. Unfortunately, when brands outsource the physical "making" of their foods, they surrender control of the manufacturing process.

With that said, there are many excellent co-packers with great reputations across the United States. Given that Nulo is focused the premium pet food sector, we hope that they have chosen to align themselves with partners that place food safety above profits.