Pet Health, Training, and Nutrition
Dog Training Techniques, Dog Training Tools, Free Puppy Training Tips
Dog training techniques, learn the best dog training commands, dog training devices, dog training methods and free puppy training tips fast and effectively
Constipation in Dogs, Best Cure for Constipation, What Foods Cause Constipation
Constipation in dogs & puppies is a real problem & can be severe, discover the foods that cause canine constipation its signs & symptoms & how to relieve it with a home remedy like mineral oil & more
Construct a Dog Ear Fence, Portable, Chain Link, Pet Safe Instant Fence
Construct a dog ear fence fast & effectively. Learn how to build a dog ear fence which is either portable, fixed or with invisible wire. Top tips on wooden fence panels designs to border your garden.
Leash Training a Rescue Dog or Puppy
Please can you advise me I can learn the art of leash training a dog or puppy? We have a rescue dog that is part standard poodle. He has warmed up to
Best way to remove ticks from dogs from home- The best online guide
Best way to remove ticks on dogs and puppies from home, probably the best guide on the Internet
Zorba the Mastiff, Rare Mastiff Dog Breeds, English Mastiff Pictures
Zorba the mastiff and english mastiff pictures
11 month old Puppy Becoming Aggressive Towards Me
Dog Behavior Question We have a puppy whom we are working very hard to train. Just recently, he has been jumping and nipping at me, I am a woman and not
Parvo in Puppies,& Dogs, Symptoms, Vaccine, Virus Treatment
Parvo in puppies & dogs, its symptoms, treatment & vaccine for the virus. Answers to exactly what is Parvo?
Help – My Dog is Scared of other Dogs!
Please help I have a scared dog…I rescued Gus from an Animal Rescue when he was about 4 weeks old, I have found that he is fine around other pups or
Puppy Safety Issue
My question is very serious…we have just adopted a yellow lab puppy, and our dog Matilda a Rottweiler seems jealous, and aggressive. I am concerned about
My Dog Barks at the Builders
Hi I have big problem right now with my dog my parents are building a room in our backyard and my dog keeps on barking at the builders and the people
whining in the car
I have a four month old springer, lovely in every way, is training easily in everything but how do i get him to stop whining/crying when he's in the car?
Puppy Urinating when Excited
My puppy starts urinating when he gets excited. My puppy is about 5 months old. He lets us know when he has to go out and is crate trained. However,
Dog Behavior Question – Dog on Dog Aggression- My Dog has Become Very Aggressive in the Last 2 months
I have a dog behavior question – my dog is showing dog on dog aggression and has become aggressive to people too – this is all very sudden. My dog is not
Eye Problems in Dogs, Miniature Pomeranian & Luxation of Lense!
When it comes to eye problems in dogs you should always follow advice from a vet especially after surgery. The question below is about a reader who owns
List of Large Dog Breeds, Extra Large Breed Dogs, Largest
List of large dog breeds, a complete list of medium and extra large dog breeds and which is the largest dog breed. Which big dog is best for you?
Puppy Separation Anxiety – My 5 month old Puppy Suffers from Separation Anxiety
A Guide to Puppy Separation Anxiety We have had our Jack Russell x Chihuahua puppy for 4 weeks now, we bought her from a kennel at 5 months old. We live
Vegetarian Dog Food Recipes, Recipes for Homemade Dog Foods,How to Make Dog Food
Vegetarian dog food recipes for homemade dog foods, learn how to make healthy homemade dog food recipes, freeze dried, grain free, moist, dry, veg, making dog food has never been easier
Dog Bed Training
Our springer spaniel refused to sleep in any kind of dog bed and will only sleep on a pillow. She started as a pup in a dog pen with a bed but once we
Chihuahua Pomeranian Mix, Pomchi Puppies, Exotic Black Puppy
Chihuahua pomeranian mix, lots of pictures including different types of exotic pomeranians like the black, blue pomeranian puppy. The best free info on the very cute pomchi