Pet Health, Training, and Nutrition
The Dog Owners Guide To Canine False Pregnancy
A canine false pregnancy (Pseudocyesis) is basically when a female dog will show the symptoms of being pregnant. This can be as a result of the dog actually never having mated or failing to conceive. A dog suffering from this condition may even start lactating but will not actually have any puppies. […]
The Dog Owners Guide to Canine Euthanasia
Canine euthanasia is the medical term used by vets when they put a dog or puppy to sleep. There are many reasons why your dog may be put to sleep it might be that your dog's life is so uncomfortable or painful or is suffering from a terminal illness that it is […]
The Dog Owners Guide to Canine Eczema
Canine eczema (also called ‘hot spots') is often caused by certain allergies and will lead to the affected dog or puppy's skin becoming inflamed. The skin condition also comes in two forms (dry and moist/wet) with both types causing different symptoms. With wet eczema the affected area will appear red and scaly […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Canine Diabetes
For your canine diabetes treatment can come in a variety of forms whether it is through the owner changing their pooches diet to diabetic controlled diet or through daily injections of Insulin. Although some research has been undertaken on the use of hyperglycemic agents to treat this condition research is still on going and has […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Canine Cherry Eye
Canine cherry eye is as you can see from the picture a very upsetting condition. Just like humans dogs have tear glands and your dog's tear gland wraps around the cartilage of the third eyelid. However, when the attachments on the underside of the third eyelid become weak this will allow the tear gland to […]
The Dog Owners Guide to Canine Cataracts
For your canine cataracts is a debilitating and miserable condition. This condition leads to opacity of the eye lens (this is the characteristic white cloudy appearance that you see in dogs that have developed this problem – basically your dogs eyes will lose their transparency looking grey or white rather than the […]
What Is The Best Canine Cancer Diet?
Choosing the best canine cancer diet is a vital part of a new holistic approach being taken by some owners to help prevent and treat the deadly disease. Alongside conventional cancer treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, cryotherapy, hypotherapy and immunotherapy vets and dog owners are starting to realise the importance that a […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Canine Bronchitis
Canine bronchitis is different to Asthma in dogs and can be acute or chronic but is classified as ‘chronic' when the cough has lasted for more than two months. This condition can affect dogs of any age and will occur in both males and females. Acute bronchitis is often caused by a viral […]
A Guide to Canine Bloat For Dog Owners
Canine bloat is a very serious condition that can quickly prove fatal if the affected dog is not treated fast. In fact this is one of those health conditions that should always be treated as an emergency situation. Recent research has estimated that out of all dogs that experience the condition as many as 50% […]
Guide To Canine Bad Breath For Dog Owners
Canine bad breath is actually a preventable problem often caused by periodontal disease (the two most common forms are Gingivitis and Periodontitis). When we say doggie breath is a preventable problem we simply mean by brushing your dog's teeth on a regular basis you will reduce the chances of dental plaque and […]
Dog Owners Guide to Canine Asthma
Canine Asthma occurs when there is a spasmodic contraction of your dog or puppy's bronchi. This condition can come on suddenly causing extreme distress including rapid or shallow breathing that can last for a few minutes at a time. This is a serious condition and in some cases it can be fatal. […]
Guide to Cancer in Dogs
Unfortunately cancer in dogs is one of the most common health problems to affect dogs. In fact it is estimated that one out of every four dogs will die of the disease. Experts also estimate that it is the leading cause of death in older dogs (dogs over the age of ten). […]
A Guide to Bone Cancer in Dogs
Although bone cancer in dogs (tumors) are fairly uncommon they do occur and will either be malignant (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous). The three most common types of bone tumors to affect dogs are Osteosarcomas, Chondrosarcomas and Synovial Cell Sarcomas (all three types are malignant). There are two types of benign bone […]
Bladder Cancer In Dogs
Tumors and bladder cancer in dogs is actually fairly rare but if your dog does experience this type of cancer then symptoms can include blood in the urine, cystitis, difficulty when attempting to urinate, breathing problems, abdominal pain, vomiting, poor appetite, coughing and a reluctance to go for a walk or exercise. […]
A Guide to Anemia in Dogs
Anemia in dogs is a very serious condition and is caused by a deficiency in red blood cells (Erythrocytes) in the dog's circulatory system. Most healthy dogs will have a concentration of between 39-60 percent red blood cells in the blood system however if this drops to between 37 percent then the […]
A Guide to Addison's Disease in Dogs
Addison's disease in dogs was first officially recognized in 1953 (although it was seen in humans around the middle of the 19th century and named after Thomas Addison). This condition which is also known as Hypoadrenocorticism occurs when the affected dog's adrenal glands (adrenal cortex) stop producing enough ‘steroid' hormones including Cortisone […]
About The Shih Tzu Poodle Mix Dog Breed
The Shih tzu poodle mix or Shih-poo or Pooshih, Poo-shi, is a particularly cute dog, learn the characteristics, behavior and temperement. Oh and some really cute pictures of the Bichon Shih Tzu.
What do Ticks Look Like?
What do ticks look like, tick identification, pictures & photos of all kinds & types, including the black legged deer tick, seed etc & advice on lyme disease & the red bumpy bullseye skin rash
About The Yorkie Shih Tzu Mix And Yorkie Chihuahua Mix
Yorkie shih tzu mix and training yorkshire terriers a complete guide
Tips on training an older Jack Russell Terrier
Would a 6 year old rescued Jack Russell terrier female with no observable behavioral problems (in fact she has a very, very unusually mild temperament