Pet Health, Training, and Nutrition
Pancreatitis Diet For Dogs
The best Pancreatitis diet for dogs is one that is low in fat – mainly because high fat content in cheap dog foods is a contributing factor for the onset of the disease. Metabolic causes of the disease where the fat is high in your dog's blood stream are referred to as […]
The Facts About Neutering A Dog
The process of neutering a dog (male) will involve the vet surgically removing both testicles (the operation can be undertaken at any age). Of course the ultimate aim when neutering a dog is to stop your dog from being able father any offspring. Health Benefits To Neutering A Dog There are also […]
Dog Owners Guide To Liver Cancer In Dogs
Liver cancer in dogs is actually fairly rare with the condition affecting less that 1 1/2 percent of dogs. However, having said this it is more common for the disease to metastasize in the liver (basically meaning that it started somewhere else possibly in the spleen, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract and then […]
Dog Owners Guide To Kidney Stones In Dogs
Kidney stones in dogs is a particularly unpleasant canine illness that is actually more common in females than males. The reason the females are thought to be more susceptible to the condition is thought to be due to them having a shorter urethra. The cause of this condition is due to a […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Kennel Cough Treatment
Kennel cough treatment for dogs and puppies can come in a variety of forms. Although some people prefer to use home remedies including Homeopathic and natural alternatives other canine lovers prefer to use conventional treatments including conventional medications that will be prescribed by the vet. However, if you are one of those […]
Dog Owners Guide To Kennel Cough Symptoms
Kennel cough symptoms are particularly distressing for dogs with the condition very contagious. The treatment for the condition can vary but on this page we have focused primarily on the causes and how it affects your beloved pooch. The condition is also known as infectious canine tracheobronchitis and the main cause is […]
Dog Owners Guide To Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
Hip dysplasia in dogs is a very serious and debilitating condition that is more common in specific breeds including Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, St Bernards, New Foundlands, Labrador Retrievers, Rough Collies, Great Danes, Briards, Old English Sheepdogs, Pyreneans and Chesaspeake Bay Retrievers. However, it is important to mention that medium sized […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Heat Stroke In Dogs
Heat stroke in dogs is caused by a variety of situations and will often lead to a number of symptoms in your canine including (among others) a raised temperature and possibly excessive panting. Below is a complete guide to this problem, how to prevent it and some tips on treating it. An Overview Of Heat […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Grooming Your Dog Or Puppy
If you start grooming your dog from an early age (ideally from a puppy) this will get your pooch used to being bathed and washed etc and will make sure that he or she is on their best behavior. In fact it is not that uncommon for a dog to actually enjoy […]
The Dog Owner's Guide To Giardia in Dogs
Giardia in dogs and puppies is a contagious disease that is also seen in humans (in fact humans can become infected by drinking contaminate water). Giardia are classified as ‘protozoan' parasites which are fairly resilient to most environments (for example they can survive for long periods in streams, ponds and lakes and […]
Dog Owners Guide To Fleas
When it comes to fleas on dogs and puppies the nasty little parasites are an absolute pain! So what are fleas and how will they affect your beloved pooch. A Flea is classed as an ectoparasite (something that lives and feeds on the outer surface of an animal). The cat flea is […]
Dog Owners Guide To Excessive Panting In Dogs
Excessive panting in dogs can be caused by a number of different factors – it might be due to heat exhaustion, heatstroke or due to the symptoms of an underlying illness, disease or undiagnosed health problem. Unlike humans dogs do not have sweat glands so are not able to perspire (sweat) to […]
Dog Owners Guide To Elevated Liver Enzymes In Dogs
Elevated liver enzymes in dogs is a serious health problem and can be a sign of liver problems, damage and even cancer. On this page we have discussed the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and how this problem is treated. What does the liver do? The main function of the liver is to help with your dog's […]
The Dog Owners Guide to Ear Mites in Dogs
Before we start talking about ear mites in dogs and how the nasty little parasites can affect your beloved little pet we need to go into a little detail about the area that they live, feed and cause the frantic itching i.e. the ear canal. Leading from the middle ear and the […]
Dog Owners Guide To A Dogs Anal Glands
Your dogs anal glands are actually ‘sacs' or ‘pouches' which are located on either side of the rectum – if you are looking at the dog's rectum the anal glands appear in the 5'0 clock position on the right side and at the 7'0 clock position on the left side. Each gland […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Dog Yeast Infections
A dog yeast infection can take many forms but is fairly common inside a dog or puppy's ear (we will cover yeast infections in the ear at the bottom of the page). The most common type of yeast infection to affect humans is known as Candida albicanis. However the most common variety […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Puppy & Dog Vomiting
There are many causes of puppy and dog vomiting with some of the causes being due to very serious illnesses. The actual act of vomiting is through the stomach muscles and abdominal wall contracting. Pressure will then start to accumulate in the abdominal area before the dog's esophagus starts to relax allowing […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Dog Teeth
Nearly all dogs will have a total of 42 teeth (although some breeds do have less including Bulldogs, Pugs and Pekinese). The arrangement of the teeth are as follows… Upper Jaw – Six incisors, two canines, eight premolars and four molars. Lower Jaw – Six incisors, two canines, eight premolars and six premolars – (See […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Dog Stomach Cancer
For a dog stomach cancer is a very serious and a possibly life threatening condition. Stomach tumors are more common in older dogs and unfortunately the vast majority are malignant and untreatable and may involve the own having to euthanize the dog. Although some smaller bowel tumors can be removed it is […]
The Dog Owners Guide To Puppy & Dog Skin Conditions
There are a variety of dog skin conditions that can be an absolute pain for a young puppy or adult dog. Below we have listed nearly every single skin problem that can affect your beloved pooch. A dog's coat relies on a number of important factors for it to remain glossy and healthy – every […]