Pet Health, Training, and Nutrition
Boxador – How To Train A Male Boxador To Roll Over
Boxador – Training a Boxador to Roll Over I have a male Boxador and he is a year and a few months old, I got him at 11 weeks, so I waited a few weeks
How do I stop my puppy Jack Rusell peeing on the floor?
Hi, I really don't know what to do, everytime someone comes to visit my puppy crouches really low and pees all over the floor. Although it happens with
Dog Training Interview Nij Vyas, Border Collie Photos, Sheepdog Trials
An interview with top sheepdog trainer, breeder and sheepdog trials expert Nij Vyas – and lots more too!
Dog Allergy Symptoms, Treatment, Skin Allergies in Dogs
Dog allergy symptoms & the treatment of skin allergies in dogs. A guide to allergy relief for your pooch.
Dog Behavior Question – What to do when a family member refuses to help with the dog training?
Hi, my husband and I have been married for almost 2-1/2 years. He had a 10 year old mini schnauzer- Barkley and later we got a Shepherd Husky puppy –
Great Dane Urinating in other Houses
Our 6 month old great dane, Diesel, has been housebroken since the first week he came home. He rarely has accidents in our home. Recently, as in the past
How can I stop my rescue dog's aggression with strangers in our home?
We have recently adopted two adult rescued dogs. They were being kept in a holding shelter i.e. someone's home between being rescued and our adoption.
Yorkie Chihuahua Shih Tzu Mix – Tearing up Everything and Being Destructive
Yorkie Chihuahua Shih Tzu Mix – Tearing up Everything and Being Destructive. I have a Yorkie Chihuahua mix also mixed with a Shih Tzu and shes sweet and
How to Prevent Dog Biting – My 9 year Old Dog is Biting my 6 month old Puppy for no Reason?
How can I prevent my older dog biting my puppy? How can I get my 9 year old 48 lb Beagle Labrador Mix to stop attacking and biting my 6 month old 60 lb
Akita Shepherd – A Complete guide to this fantastic breed
The Akita Shepherd is a mix between a German Shepherd and Akita and is also known as a Shepkita
All About Dalmatians – My Male Dalmatian has become AGGRESSIVE.
All About Dalmatians I have two Dalmatians. I got both of them when they were 1 month old, so basically both of them have lived together the entire time.
Canine Seizures, A guide to Epilepsy in Dogs
Canine seizures and epilepsy can be primary or idiopathic or secondary. This condition can be caused by distemper, toxins, thyroid problems, heat stroke, liver cancer, tumours and kidney problems
Canine Urinary Tract Infections: A complete guide to the condition
Canine urinary tract infections – learn how to spot the early signs of a urinary tract infection in your dog and how to treat it.
Canine Ringworm, A guide to Dermatophytosis
Canine ringworm, a complete guide to this skin infection, including the symptoms and treatment.
Canine Renal Failure (Kidney Disease): A Complete Guide
A complete guide to canine renal failure and how it can affect your dog or puppy.
Canine Dry Skin: Every Single Skin Condtion Listed.
Canine dry skin, a complete guide to the causes, symptoms of common skin conditions in dogs
A guide to Canine Papilloma Virus (CPV)
Canine papilloma virus – learn all about the symptoms, causes and treatment for this condition characterized by warts looking similar to a Cauliflower. A complete guide to this problem.
Canine Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Dogs, Causes & Symptoms
Canine irritable bowel syndrome, learn the causes, symptoms, cures, diagnosis and treatment for IBS in dogs
The Canine Heat Cycle: A Complete Guide
Canine heat cycle: A guide to the gestation period in dogs including the symptoms.
Canine Heart Murmur: Learn all there is to know about Mitral Valve Disease
Canine heart murmur: A complete guide to Mitral Valve Disease (MDV) and a combinaton of other heart diseases including Dilated Cardiomyopathy