Pet Health, Training, and Nutrition

Dog on Dog Aggression – My dog is becoming agressive to other dogs since having puppies

Dog on Dog Aggression – How to stop aggressive behavior in dogs Please help! I have a 3 year old springer/collie bitch. Since having puppies 8 months

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Dog Fear Aggression – My Dog fears men.  Can we help her?
Dog Fear Aggression – My Dog fears men. Can we help her?

I have a dog/puppy who is 14 months old. She is a Lab Terrier mix according to the shelter we adopted her from. Up until now she has always been an

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Puppy Separation Anxiety – Our Weimaraner Puppy 9 weeks Howls when Alone
Puppy Separation Anxiety – Our Weimaraner Puppy 9 weeks Howls when Alone

We got our puppy last week and first 3 nights we had no sleep as she howled and whined all night, she has a crate in the kitchen with toys and blankets,

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Clicker Training Guide, Free Dog Clicker Training, Reinforcement Theory
Clicker Training Guide, Free Dog Clicker Training, Reinforcement Theory

Clicker training guide, the best free dog clicker training tips, karen pryor step by step ebook guide & clicker training videos for you to watch, learn and use to train your dog or puppy fast at home

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Canine Mange on Dogs, Scabies, Home Remedy, Staph Symptoms, Dog Skin Infection,
Canine Mange on Dogs, Scabies, Home Remedy, Staph Symptoms, Dog Skin Infection,

Mange on dogs, treating & treatment to cure the symptoms, causes & signs of demodectic, sarcoptic mange in dogs, remedies, natural treatment, shampoo, pictures & more

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Excessive Panting in Dogs, Canine Symptoms, Medications
Excessive Panting in Dogs, Canine Symptoms, Medications

Excessive panting in dogs, it might be canine congestive heart failure or a heart murmur. Discover why your dog is panting & canine medications to help the causes and symptoms of this problem

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Puppy Eating her own Poop- Coprophagia
Puppy Eating her own Poop- Coprophagia

I have a 8 week old, female, Bichonpoo puppy. As soon as she goes poo, she turns and starts licking and eating it up. Once I clean it up, she goes back

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A Dog and Travel Sickness
A Dog and Travel Sickness

A Dog and Travel Sickness My dog gets car sick! She begins to drool as soon as she gets in the car. She always seems very willing to get in the car and

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Dog Barking Control – Screaming staffy! How do I stop this?
Dog Barking Control – Screaming staffy! How do I stop this?

I have a 12 month old staffy and she does not appear to like to be near or around other dogs as when she is she makes this high pitch whine, screaming

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Stop Puppy Biting – Will Spaying a 9 month old Schnauzer Help with Aggression Problems?
Stop Puppy Biting – Will Spaying a 9 month old Schnauzer Help with Aggression Problems?

We got our Schnauzer when she was 8 weeks old. She has been a well behaved puppy and is potty trained. We crated her for the first 4 months. Then we

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My morkie poo who is 4 months old I got him a month ago and he stays outside all day long and he comes in and pees and then when he goes to bed he pees and poops in his bed?  What do I do?
My morkie poo who is 4 months old I got him a month ago and he stays outside all day long and he comes in and pees and then when he goes to bed he pees and poops in his bed? What do I do?

Maltese Yorkie Mix – My morkie poo who is 4 months old I got him a month ago and he stays outside all day long and he comes in and pees and then when

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Dog Food Allergies, Allergy Free Dog Food
Dog Food Allergies, Allergy Free Dog Food

Dog food allergies are so common that it is estimated that they contribute a massive 10% of all allergies seen in dogs

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What Do Fleas Look Like, Identifying Insect Bites, Flea Pictures, Fleas in House
What Do Fleas Look Like, Identifying Insect Bites, Flea Pictures, Fleas in House

What do fleas look like, a definitive guide with pictures and natural home flea remedies for bites on humans and dogs

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How to Stop Dog Barking – My 2 yr old Rottweiler cross always barks

Hi, I have a Rottweiler cross that is nearly 2 years old and he always barks at cars passing by and people walking past our house.It is worse when we

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Puppy Eating Poop, Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?
Puppy Eating Poop, Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

Why do Dogs Eat Poop? I have a puppy eating poop issue. My puppy is starting to eat its poop. She was not doing this when we brought her home. Now, 2

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Dog Potty Training, Potty Training Dogs, Potty Training Puppies
Dog Potty Training, Potty Training Dogs, Potty Training Puppies

Dog potty training, potty training dogs has never been easier or faster, discover the best tips, techniques, commands, tools & advice on potty training a dog and potty training a puppy

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Dog Stroke Symptoms
Dog Stroke Symptoms

Dog stroke symptoms, a guide to the common cause of a stroke, severe & mild stroke signs & symptoms before and after, the definition and new treatment as there is currently no cure, this & lots more

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House Training a Puppy – How do I House Train my 11 month Great Dane?

We rescued a Great Dane but she is not house trained and we try taking her out regularly and say certain names to do her business but we are not getting

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Are your Dogs Eating Grass, vomiting bile, white frothy sick,

Dogs eating grass, why your dog or puppy maybe eating or chewing on grass, the cause and if its bad for your dog

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Housebreaking a Puppy, Housebreaking Puppies, Housebreaking a Dog
Housebreaking a Puppy, Housebreaking Puppies, Housebreaking a Dog

Housebreaking a Puppy, the best free puppy training tips on housebreaking puppies and dogs. House training a puppy has never been easier.

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